Regatta at work Philippe Gavin - watercolor artists
Regatta at work Philippe Gavin - watercolor painter, photographer, sportsmena.frantsuzsky watercolor painter and self-taught photographer specializing in the topic of the fleet. He graduated from the University of Grenoble geophysical department, then studied at the University of University of Paris XI, where he received a degree in geology and physical chemistry. Prior to 2001, worked as an engineer - researcher (Ingénieur de recherche) in the Institute Institut Français du Pétrole - (Elf - Total).
04:05 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Expressive pictures of flowers from the Belgian artist Isabelle Menin
Elena Ilku paintings
French film critic Henri Bazin belongs brilliant aphorism: "Photography mummified time." At first glance, he was able to express the very essence of photography, however, looking at the work of Belgian photographer Isabelle Menin (Isabelle Menin), there is a feeling that the river continues its life for absolutely no stiffening at gunpoint her lens.
Flowers like butterflies and butterfly - flowers.
Flying over our lives legkokrylo,
And falling, falling down from a height,
When their lives seem hateful.
Flowers like butterflies and butterfly as we
Sad and crying, and dreams and dreams,
Tired of life commotion,
Dreaming of a winter frosts.
Flowers, like butterflies, and their short century
Saddens us, we too cold, fell asleep,
Is winter, sparkling soft snow,
We cover the wings of white fluff.
And we become like the angels, white,
Like moths as white inflorescences
And our thoughts, deeds are light,
We write lines, lines of immortality.
(Valentina S. Fisyuk)
Isabelle Menin pictures of flowers in all their diversity. Fresh, full of life and buds withering petals are merged into a single symphony of color in her works. Dark lighting, water streams - all this creates an inimitable play of light and shadow makes colors faint outline, streamlined forms and plastic. Pictures of the artist are more like abstract paintings, in which images of a planned, poorly delineated, and therefore look even more mysterious.
At Isabelle Menin really have any experience with paints, about 10 years, she studied painting professionally, and then decided to experiment with digital photography. The artist deliberately avoids copying reality, carefully processed to obtain an image to give them a characteristic "thoughtful" appearance.
The author calls his work "internal pictures" and "chaotic landscapes." She is confident that the viewer must seek to unravel the mysterious essence of nature, thus closer to understanding the mystery of his own being. Isabelle Menin comments on the project: "uncontrollable force of nature, the complexity of its forms, synergy elements - all this seems to me a reflection of the human spirit. In man, there is no straight lines, we are like nature, our life - all sorts of tangled difficulties that we are overcoming, destroying, and building something new, balancing between ordering and chaos. "
More pictures of Isabelle Menin can be seen on her
personal site.
07:02 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)